International Symposium on Nanoscale Research

The International Symposium on Nanoscale Research will take place on September 20th-21st, 2021 at Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria.

It is an international dedicated event that should bring people together working in fields related to Nanoscale Research. Representatives from science, industry, but also from schools will provide insights in their respective fields.

The first part of the symposium on monday (Sept. 20th) morning will include a ceremonial act on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Prof. Christian Teichert, which includes keynote lectures given by Prof. Thomas Michely (University of Cologne) and Prof. Claudia Draxl (Humboldt University Berlin).

The second part of the symposium on tuesday (Sept. 21st) will primarily be dedicated to contributions from former and current collaborators of the SPM group at the MUL. They will provide insight in the recent state of research in their respective fields.  

The symposium is planned as a hybrid event, allowing for physical presence and online participation. For further details about participation, registration, and abstract submission please see the corrsponding positions on the menu.



Registration: SEPTEMBER 10th 2021

Abstract Submission: SEPTEMBER 10th 2021

For registration and abstract submission please see the corresponding positions in the menu.


Nadine Aichberger/ Markus Kratzer
Institute of Physics, Montanuniversitaet Leoben

Tel. +43 (0)3842 402 4666


Tel. +43 (0)3842 402 4601


Fax. +43 (0)3842 402 4602