Abstract Submission and Style

Abstract for the International Symposium on Nanoscale Research

John Smith1, Given-name M. Surname2,Victor F. Hess 2
1 Institute of Basic science, University of City, Austria
2 Institut für Radiologie, Universität Innsbruck, Austria


Layout: As we decided not to provide a printed abstract booklet, the style is essentially free. However, the abstract should fit on one page A4. It may contain text only or text plus figures, and may include references. Therefore, the format details given below are just a suggestion and by no means mandatory.

Suggested format details: The title should be written in 14pt Times New Roman font with bold style with the first letters of each word capitalized except for prepositions. The 11pt Times New Roman font with single line spacing for the remaining header script, as well as text body is recommended. The authors' names should be numbered by the affiliation, and the presenter's name must be underlined. 
The body text should start after a blank line under the header script. Figures, tables, and references may be inserted. The reference number should be specified by a superscripted number, like this1. Make sure that the character size of the captions is not too small.

Submission: Authors are requested to send their abstract as a Microsoft Office document (.doc) and as an pdf before September 10th 2021 via e-mail to: markus.kratzer(at)unileoben.ac.at

1. M. Mouse, D. Duck, S. McDuck, G. Gearloose, L. von Drake, Duckburg Journal of Nanoscale Research (1954), 38, 787-794.

For Poster Presenters

The poster presenters will have the opportunity to briefly advertise their posters.

Due to time restrictions the time for the advertisment per presenter will be just ~1 minute.

The preferred poster format is A0 upright format. (Smaller formats are possible, but not recommended)

For Oral Presentation

As the Symposium is planned as a hybrid event, which will be shared with colleagues via Zoom it is advantageous to upload the presentations on our conference computer and use it for the presentation.

It might be hard and time consuming to configure your computer on-site for the Zoom sessions with simultaneous projection in the conference hall and video streaming.